Inventor Films, founded by filmmaker Rafael Cortés and producer Danielle Turkov, has purchased the rights to Carme Riera’s award-winning historical fictional novel “In The Last Blue” to develop a feature-length film. The novel talks about the events of 1688 when a group of crypto Jews tried to escape via boat from the persecution of the Mallorquin Inquisition. Rafael is a dual national (Mallorquin – British) and a direct descendant of the Mallorquin Conversos with his father being Chueta. Dani and Rafael visited the Memorial to the Chueta Victims of 1691 and also saw a mooring attached to a rock along the Paseo Maritimo where legend says this was where the boat that attempted to escape was tied up to (see attached photo). Ever since we learned of this incredible history of the island we knew that it had to be shared on the silver screen and now this will become a reality in the near future. If you know anyone who might be interested in helping the project advance please send us a note!

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