The Secrets of jewish Majorca

The Full Day Experience

6hr Walk & Drive Experience

Discover the Crypto-Jewish contributions to modern society

The Spanish island of Mallorca was home for hundreds of years to a thriving Jewish community where Jews played a pivotal role in cartography before having to go underground with the rise of the Spanish Inquisition in the 14th and 15th centuries.

Many Jews faced forced conversions, becoming Crypto-Jews, who displayed their Catholic face outwardly while adhering to their Jewish faith through secret signs and hidden synagogues in their homes.

Quick details

  • Group size: From 1 person to 12 people
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • Transport: Walking and driving in rented van or minibus
  • Accessibility: Cobblestone streets, easy walking with areas to sit during the tour
  • Age: Suitable for ages 8 and up
  • Cost: Dependant on size of group

Explore the narrow streets of this medieval neighbourhood

Arrive at the city center in Palma and begin your experience at the Call Major, or entry point of the Jewish Quarter. This neighborhood is home to remnants of ancient synagogues and a statue of the famous 14th century Jewish cartographer Jafuda Cresques who was one of the first to complete a world atlas that may have assisted Christopher Columbus in his travels.

Walk through the narrow, winding streets with signs of this secret community including centuries-old, family-owned jewelry shops and see the ensaimada, a famous Mallorquin pastry cooked with pork fat as a reaction to centuries-old prejudice and discrimination.

Discover how the Inquisition forced conversions and limited the Catholic descendants of the Jewish Conversos to specific streets to live and work in until as recently as the 1960s. While here you will learn the meaning behind the name of the Street of Caterina Tarongi, named after one of the 3 martyrs who were burned alive after trying to escape the island on an English ship in 1688.

Your tour will take you to the Jewish Quarter Interpretation Center of Palma, the Gate of the Jews, and the site of the old synagogue where the Montesion Church now stands. You will also see site of the sinagoga nova or the new synagogue of Leather Maker Street, stop at a local bakery, and visit the house of a medieval Jewish merchant to learn the secret traditions the Jews created to keep their faith close.

Take a break for lunch at the Mercado de Olivar and enjoy some local tapas and cuisine (not included in tour price).

Afterward, we will head to the top of the Bellver Castle and take in the stunning view of the bay of Palma below us. We will conclude our tour at the Plaza Gomila to visit the memorial erected on the grounds where more than 37 Crypto-Jews were murdered during the Inquisition.
Throughout the tour you will be accompanied by local guides who are friends with members of the current Jewish community and happy to answer any questions that you may have. They will also share with you some of their favorite local bars, restaurants, and stores in town! Snacks and beverages are also provided along the way for your refreshment. This 6 hour private tour is a must-do for those who are passionate about culture and history. ¡Nos vemos pronto! See you soon!

Tour highlights

  • All sites on the Half Day Experience
  • Stop at the Olivar Market for a bite (not included in price)
  • Panoramic view from the Bellver Castle
  • Memorial to the Crypto-Jewish victims of the Inquisition in Plaza Gomila
  • Memorial to the German-Jewish refugees hiding in Mallorca during the Spanish Civil War
  • Option to add a visit to the Cathedral to see the Rimmonim (15th century Torah Scroll ornaments)


Join us on this cultural walking tour

This 6 hour private tour is a must-do for those who are passionate about culture and history.

Contact us if you want to make a booking within the next seven days.

What to expect on our tours

Notable landmarks, scenery, and unique experiences you’ll encounter on our walking tours

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Join us on this cultural walking tour

This 6 hour private tour is a must-do for those who are passionate about culture and history.

Contact us if you want to make a booking within the next seven days.