Modern Day Queen EstherS & their Crypto Jewish Stories
Modern Day Queen Esthers & their Crypto Jewish Stories
4 different places in the world
4 women leaders in their professions
4 different ways to connect with Purim (food, spirituality, genetics, and music)
4 personal stories about women who come from crypto-Jewish families.
EVERYTHING during the MOST important Jewish holiday for the Bnei Anusim, Conversos, and crypto-Jews.
To Celebrate PURIM together, we’d like to invite you to FOUR diverse Zoom Sessions FOR FREE. Every week beginning on Sunday February 28th, we will travel to different cities to discover amazing Crypto Jewish stories. Hop on our Hot Air Zoom Balloon and do not forget to invite a friend by sharing this link below:
WHEN: 4 Sundays in a row at 1 PM ET (6PM Spain Time).
Sunday, February 28th – #Part 1
Sunday, March 7th – #Part 2
Sunday, March 14th – #Part 3
Sunday, March 21st #Part 4
WHERE: Per Zoom. You wil recieve an email with a link after submitting the form below.
DURATION: 60 minutes per session.
COST: Free cost. This is a PAY AS YOU WISH program, so registration is 100% FREE.
You can choose to contribute voluntarily with any amount before or after each session as a means to support our virtual programming in the future.
Part 1
Recovering my Cuban Jewish roots hidden in Family Recipes with Genie Milgrom from Miami, USA

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Genie grew up in a Roman Catholic family from Cuba and always, inexplicably, felt Jewish in her soul. Genie returned to the Jewish people and was able to document an unbroken maternal lineage going back to 1405 and Pre-Inquisition Spain and Portugal. Under the guise of Family Customs, her grandmothers taught her many of the Jewish dietary laws as she watched them work in the kitchen. She was also able to find hundreds of recipes that her grandmothers carried around from country to country for centuries with many of them being recipes used by the Crypto Jews. She will highlight the holiday of “Saint Esther” and is honored to be a link in this amazing chain of inspiring women today.
Part 2
Keeping the Calabrian Crypto-Jewish Spirit Alive with Barbara Aiello from Serrastretta, Italy

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Rabbi Barbara is the daughter of a B’nai Anusim family who, against incalculable odds, kept their Italian Jewish traditions alive. A rabbi for 22 years, 17 of which serving the B’nai Anusim congregation in Calabria, Rabbi Barbara has organized a cultural center and Sinagoga Ner Tamid del Sud, the first active synagogue in 500 years since Inquisition times. Rabbi Barbara has uncovered dozens of Calabrian and Sicilian Jewish practices that for centuries have been disguised as family traditions including unusual rituals and delicious treats that celebrate what Calabrians call “The Feast of Saint Esther!”
Part 3
Genetics as a tool to preserve Portuguese Jewish Memory with Inês Nogueiro, from Bragança, Portugal

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Part 4
Re-connecting with Catalan Jewish Identity through Music with Moriah Ferrus from Barcelona, Spain

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After a life long journey, Moriah returned to the Jewish people and created the Nova Escola Catalana (NEC). The NEC is aimed at recovering and reviving the legacy of the former Catalan rabbis and Houses of Study, along with the history and heritage of the Catalan Jews. Such legacy is not only researched, but brought into a new life through prayers and liturgy at the NEC. Moriah will share ways for participants to re-connect with their personal roots and Jewish spirituality through music, in a meaningful way. Moriah will inspire the audience by showing how adopting and adapting their own traditions can help rebuild Jewish identity with authenticity.
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