Part 3

Chuetas – A Segregated Society

During the Inquisition, the Crypto-Jews or Chuetas publicly professed Catholicism while privately adhering to Judaism. Synagogues were secretly built in private homes. Signs of this “secret” community can still be found today with many of the current jewelry shops having been kept within their families for generations beforehand! These Catholic descendants of the island’s Jewish Conversos were treated like second class citizens for centuries. They were forced to marry within this subgroup of 15 infamous family names all the way until the early 1900s. Now some are reclaiming their lost identity either through genetic testing or religious reaffiliation. It’s a story you have never heard before! And will never forget!

See the pricing list below and choose the modality that best suits your group as you fill out the form.

Scroll the table from left to right to see all 4 options (for mobile devices).

Option A

Private Tour
Option B

Private Tour
Option C

Private Tour
Option D

Public Tour
Exclusive landing page

Only for 3 or more Tours

Email Communication & Zoom Invite Sent by Jewish Majorca

List of Registered Attendees

Post-Tour Recording Provided

Complete Tour Outlines Provided by Jewish Majorca

Open Choice of Tour Dates & Times (Upon Availability)

Maximum # of Participants




Technical Support Provided

Session Duration

75 mins

60 mins

60 mins

60 mins

Tours Conducted Live in the Streets (EST/EDT)

8am to 6pm

8am to 1pm

8am to 1pm

Tours Conducted Live via Guide-Hosted Video (EST/EDT)

6am to 10pm

1pm to 6pm

1pm to 6pm

8am to 10pm

Cost for
Single Session
500 USD360 USD300 USD180 USD
Cost (each) when booking
Two Sessions
450 USD330 USD275 USD180 USD
Cost (each) when booking
Three Sessions or more
400 USD300 USD250 USD180 USD


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Part 1

Medieval Majorca – The Golden Age

Part 2

Crypto-Judaism – Keeping the Faith During the Inquisition

Part 4

Rebirth & Renewal – Modern Day Jewish Revival

Part 5

Taste of Spain – Jewish Roots in Today’s Cuisine