Experience Options
Tours and Experiences are based on 2 hours or 4 hours or 6 hours. Experiences are available in English, Spanish, Catalan, German, Italian, and French.

What you'll Need
* Comfortable Shoes
* Open Mind
* Desire to Connect
and Discover

We offer an interactive learning experience that engages both visitors and residents alike and sparks further curiosity.
We also create space for dialogue between people from any background to learn together about the richness and diversity of Jewish history and culture. By offering a walk-and-talk experience with members and friends of the local active Jewish community today – visitors get to see the past, present, and hopefully the future from another point of view.

The Highlights Tour (2-hours)
Journey to the heart of the old Jewish Quarter
Your private guide will take you to the must-see sites of the city center. We start at the statue of Jafuda ben Cresques, a 14th century Jewish cartographer who made the world-famous Catalan Atlas map that Christopher Columbus might have used in his travels. We will walk down Leather Maker Street and learn about the old bakery named Can Miquel that up until recently was still in use and is known to be built on the site of the “sinagoga nova” or the “new synagogue.”

The Half Day Experience (4-hours)
Hear the stones whisper hundred of years of history
Our cultural walk and talk experience starts in the old town in the Jewish Quarter Interpretation Center on Carrer del Almudaina, which is next to the entry point to the old Jewish Quarter, which dates back to the Muslim era of Mallorca, the Call Major.
The term “Call” is in Catalan and means the same thing as “Juderia” in Castellano.
Whenever you visit Jewish Quarters in and around Catalan-speaking regions of Spain such as the Balearics, Valencia, and Barcelona you may see the signs “Carrer de Call” or “Street of the Jewish Quarter.”

The Full Day Experience (6-hours)
Discover the Crypto-Jewish contributions to modern society
The Spanish island of Mallorca was home for hundreds of years to a thriving Jewish community where Jews played a pivotal role in cartography before having to go underground with the rise of the Spanish Inquisition in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Many Jews faced forced conversions, becoming Crypto-Jews, who displayed their Catholic face outwardly while adhering to their Jewish faith through secret signs and hidden synagogues in their homes.
Tours do not include
- Entrance to other attractions or museums not included in the tour, art galleries, boat rentals, bike rentals
- Breakfast, lunch or dinner costs
- Any extra requests
- We also can adapt the length of the experience/tour to your particular needs.