The magic of Majorca

The magic of Majorca

We are excited to share a wonderful piece written by Lucy Daltroff that was published last month in the Times of Israel about her visit to the island. She includes a lovely account of the time spent together with Jewish Majorca.Read the article here
February & March tours

February & March tours

Please see below posters for upcoming tours in February and March and please share with someone who might be interested in learning about the Jewish, Converso, and Chueta history of Majorca!
In memory of…

In memory of…

Please click on the video of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Ceremony observed on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Monday January 27, 2020. The event was well attended by members of the Jewish community of the Balearic Islands as well as dignitaries...
January student field trip

January student field trip

We recently shared a fantastic cultural experience together with over 46 students from the Escola Global and learned about the important dates of Jewish history of Majorca as well as all fifteen of the Chueta family names. We saw the site of the old synagogue where...
Ketubot from Majorca

Ketubot from Majorca

This past January we were delighted to welcome the associate professor of History at Brooklyn College of CUNY, Karen Stern, to Majorca as she investigated Hebrew writings found in Majorca. While looking at ingots made of lead that were found in the town Santa Maria de...
“Enjalamada” now available in Palma!

“Enjalamada” now available in Palma!

Tomeu Arbona and his team at Forn de la Soca are collaborating with Jewish Majorca to take the “saïm” (lard) out of the ensaïmada and put the “jala” (challah) back in it. Introducing the ENJALAMADA now sold locally in Palma. In Medieval times, the Jews cooked their...